Kinsley playing with the bucket of potato heads we have accumulated over the years. |
I pray everyone had a wonderful holiday season and Happy New Years!
Life has thrown us a curve ball with Tim's health as of late and with the other things that pop up from time to time around here, we have been a bit overwhelmed at times lately. We try to always take it in stride and trust in God, for He has shown Himself to be very faithful. He is so good to us, always. Life is good.
Some happy news that makes my life a LOT busier... is that two of our does had their babies.
The largest of the bucks in the triplet birthing. |
The smallest of the bucks in the triplet birthing. |
Milky Whey had triplets (two boys and a girl) on December 27th. and Amelia had twin girls on January 2nd.
The smallest of the twin does born to Amelia. |
I am now happy to say, we have plenty of milk but I have to go out to milk twice a day to get it. :) I have sold off all the babies I did not want to retain. I kept one of the does to raise up and a little buck to keep her company for a few weeks until she can go in with the bigger goats, then I will sell him. You can read more about it on my
farm blog if you are interested.
Antonio just got over having one of his bad spells from the Botox injections. The bad reaction from the overdose in July, must have done damage, as every few weeks he goes back into that weak, sleeping, dementia, paralyzed type state. This last episode lasted three weeks. There is a lot more work to his daily care when he is in that state. Praise God he is coming around the last two days and speaking again. We have also had a lot of frustrating things happen since he turned 21 in December. A week before his 21st birthday they sent us a letter telling us his insurance would be canceled the end of the month. We had one week to get an appointment and try to get insurance and help from the state, thru Social Security for him. Lots of paper work and delays.
Tim has not been feeling well for quite some time. His last blood work came back a mess, about a month ago. He was told by his doctor that he needed to get to a pharmacy as soon as possible, to get some medicine to take, as his potassium levels were so dangerously high, he was at risk for a heart attack. He then referred us to a Nephrologist, as his creatinine levels were very high. It was a two week wait before we could get in to see that doctor and when we got there and listened to the doctor, he told us that Tim had kidney disease and was in stage three kidney failure. That his kidneys were functioning at 44%. They took 16 viles of blood and ordered an ultra sound. When we left, we were told that he was to eat only foods that are the lowest in potassium and low phosphates. Our next appointment to go over all the testing results is for the 11th. Tim has been feeling very poorly. The change in diet has not agreed with him. He has lost 13 pounds in two weeks and his Addisons balance is off now. We have an appointment to see a dietitian which should help us. All in all, we are grateful that this has been caught and now we can go forward and try not to cause further damage to his kidneys. He tuckers out quickly and has been extra tired lately.
In the evenings I feed baby "A" her night bottle and hold her till she falls asleep and Tim feeds Kinsley her night bottle and holds her, while they watch Blues Clues together till she falls asleep. Most days he falls asleep first. Bless his heart. |
We are praying for Tim to be healed and gain in strength and health.
The Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile was at our local Kroger recently. |
We are happily back into a good routine again with schooling. It helps me to get more done, if we can stay in a loose routine. The children also do better knowing what to do and what to expect every day.
The south has gotten a huge amount of rain this winter and the weather has been very mild for this time of year. We had a lot of flooding. Most of the flooding has receded now. Our pond is still very full.
A huge tree fell on one of our fence lines and my dad and William have been very busy trying to get the wood cut up so they can repair the fencing. Because of the mild weather, the children have been able to play a good bit outside when done with schooling and it is not raining.
Zeke loves all animals. Here he is with Mr. Skunk. |
Kinsley loves to swing. She would swing every day if the weather were nice. Carolyn loves to take Timothy and Kinsley out for an hour in the afternoon if the weather is nice. They are both very well behaved for her and look forward to it. Below are the many faces of a happy Kinsley!
Billy and Elizabeth can only go out with proper supervision because of their hard behaviors.
On rainy days Billy loves to play on a mat in front of the wood stove. He is very into pirates lately so Uncle "B" and Aunt "S" got him this cool ship for Jesus Birthday. He plays with it daily.
William is still studying for the Language Arts section of his GED. He should be taking that part very soon.
With such a large family and so many with special needs, we make several unexpected trips to the ER yearly. Usually in the middle of the night. William is the one that goes with me when I have to go. Tim stays home with the rest of the sleeping children. This time Carolyn had hurt her ankle at ballet. It ended up being badly sprained. So glad it was not broken. In the above picture I took a surprise picture while he was reading. This was at around midnight! |
Elizabeth is doing much better with her schooling since we switched her over to just workbooks.
She also recently got new hearing aids. They are much smaller and you can not even see them unless you are looking closely at her ears. She has two pet rats she plays with and loves.
God is so good and life is fine. We have had fewer appointments lately so it has been nice to be home a bit more and get some things done. I am going to try to garden in my raised beds this year. I have not had a garden in two years because of all the new little ones, that have come along, needing so much of my time. I think I am up for some light gardening this year. So we shall see.
I pray that the One True and Only God will be with you, leading and guiding you all through 2016. That health, peace and the bonds of friends and family will be strong the whole year as you live and grow in Him.
2 Timothy 1:12 For
the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not
ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is
able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.