We have been beyond busy with appointments lately. The garden is also keeping me very busy. I have been trying to use up all the produce and not let anything spoil. We are so grateful for a good garden this year. Below are two or our raised bed gardens. God is so good.
I am so behind in blogging and sharing things the children have done, so today I am going to get caught up a bit.
Billy did this very hard puzzle all by himself and wanted me to take a picture of it. :) |
will slow down after Elizabeth's back rodding surgery, which is on this Wednesday. As I have cleared our schedule for a few weeks, until she recovers a bit. In those weeks, I am going to stay home as much as possible, rest, watch the children swim, enjoy summer and try to finish potty training Kinsley and Timothy.
At the end of the school year, in our town, there is a dance held for all people with special needs and their families. I have never went or taken any of the children. This year another family really wanted us to come and bring Antonio to socialize with their son. There are very few things Antonio can participate in and he really wanted to go, so I took him, Elizabeth, Carolyn and Zeke as well. They all had a wonderful time. It was very low key and family oriented. There was karaoke and food. (Zeke wanted to go for the food and to watch everyone :) ) I have not been to a dance before, I don't dance. I can not tell you how much joy it brought me to see so many people, with special needs, all in one building, socializing, eating and dancing with such joy. I could not take the smile off my face, as Antonio got invited out to dance and was wheeled squealing all over the dance floor, arms swaying to the music. Or my girls out on the floor, dancing together, not caring who was around them or watching. It was such a precious time for everyone there. Even though we don't usually participate in anything like that, I am so glad I took them. They all made some wonderful memories.
My handsome happy son. |
Zeke and my ladies. |
These two had so much fun getting ready for this occasion. |
We had triplet baby goats born about that time. One went to my neighbor very quickly so I did not get a good picture of them all together. These are the other two that went to one of my children's therapist.
We also had two major dance recitals. Carolyn had hers at RC Ballet first.
I always walk away so blessed after each recital put on by that school. Such God centered, modest, focused, wonderful, music selections and beautiful dances.
Carolyn has matured and progressed so much at this school. Her teachers work very hard with her and Carolyn gives 100 percent! All the effort really has shown though the last few recitals. She did so well. She had the best year. Thank you so much Miss "M", Miss "S" and Miss "K"! May God pour out his abundant blessings upon you all, for your godly direction, work and care, taken with my sweet girl!
Both girls also take dance at a place locally here in our town. They also had their recital. Elizabeth and Carolyn did beautifully.
Seeing them up dancing together with the other girls in this recital made me realize how grown up my two young ladies are getting. They looked more like young adults than children up there this year. Where has the time gone? I do not own a stick of makeup and they had to wear make up for this recital. A nice teacher did their make up for me, so I didn't have to go out and buy any. My girls looked twenty!
They had never wore makeup before, so thought it was special but not long after getting it put on, both of them started itching from not being used to wearing it. They could not wait to get it off once home. :)
We have a wonderful dance tutor come out to the house once a week to work with the girls and they had learned four routines with her though the school year. They put on a very nice recital here at home for us with all they learned. Thank you "A" for all you have taught the girls in detail and technique!
While I was taking pictures of Carolyn, our littlest dancer wanted to come get her picture taken too. Actually, she had a small melt down about it. :) So here she is. My sister got her two tutu's for her birthday and she regularly wants to wear them for the day.
Well, this post has gotten pretty long and I have still not gotten in everything! I guess there will be a part two!
I pray everyone is having a wonderful summer. We really are and have plans to soon gets some much needed down time!
Philippians 4:6-7 Be
careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.