I have done a lot of birthday posts lately. I try not to share much of what is going on here in a birthday post and keep those posts focused on the birthday I am sharing about. So today, I will do a bit of a catch up post.
Tim and I recently had to go somewhere that required us to dress up a bit. A rare photo of us together dressed up. :)

In March we had a scare with Anna-Kate. She woke up one morning disoriented and within a few minutes started having seizures. She had never had seizures before. I rushed her to the pediatric doctor and they sent her, by ambulance, to our closest children's hospital. They kept her over night, hooked up for EEG and video monitoring. It was very scary but extra concerning and upsetting, as she is my youngest and always so healthy. When all was said and done, it was because of low iron. Since getting her home, placing her on iron supplementation and kale smoothies daily, she has had no other issues. I had no idea that could even happen or that her iron had gotten low, as we eat so healthy here. They said it was just the way her body does not metabolize iron properly. Possibly because of bio-moms drug use while pregnant. So, it was an easy fix and something to keep a close eye on, Praise be to God!
The children have discovered that having camp outs in the living room is fun!
They have enjoyed lots of playground time, swimming and several fun outings. We recently went to the aquarium.
Timothy and Billy |
My own little butterfly in the butterfly room! |
Daddy and his baby girl! |
My two oldest still at home! |
I pair these two up a lot together on outings, as Kinsley is so verbal that Elizabeth does not try to get away with anything. Elizabeth has come a long way and is doing much better. |
Carolyn and Zeke participated in our county's Special Olympics!
Last year Zeke was one of the torch runners this year they both were but I could not be in both areas of running at the same time so did not get a picture of Zeke. Here is Carolyn carrying the torch. She said it was very heavy! |
Zeke likes to run so he was in some running events. |
Carolyn was in 1 running event and the softball throw. |
My special winners! |
The Nichols cheering section!! |
We had ballet recitals!
Kinsley did ballet in the winter recital and tap in this one! She loves it! It is so good for her from a therapy standpoint. :) |
My beautiful young lady! Both my older girls are so graceful compared to me. :) |
On her way! Almost showtime! She does jazz and ballet on point! Now that takes grace and incredible core muscle strength. What a miracle I have seen in her since she was born. No one would ever believe all her diagnosis and what she can do now! Her calves are solid rock muscle. I tease her and tell her that they are no longer calf muscles but cows! |
We had three batches of baby goats born! Can you believe out of 8 goats born this spring only one was a girl!
I have been gardening! We have already been through and enjoyed strawberry season and cherry season. We are just begining blueberry season and am currently enjoying squash, tomatoes, peppers and mulberries!
Some of my garden areas and our invaluable guardian dog Yellow. |
I took some of our children to the special needs Hawaiian luau party in town! |
Antonio had a wonderful time! |
They all did! |
I have never taken Timmy to a dance before. Boy, did this boy dance and dance. What joy came pouring out of every cell in his body! |
Antonio is on week six of a good spell. It is the longest good spell he has ever had. He has had a few small outburst but nothing like the weeks of misery in the past three years. We are fervently praying for his complete healing and that we never have to go back to that dark place for him again. |

My sweet William is growing up so much. He is currently away on a mission trip for 10 days. Yippee! for him...ouch for me! I am tired and ready for his return. God has helped me to get everything done that needs doing in his absence but I am ready for a rest and for him to be home. We pay him to do so much around here. I have been slowly making other arrangements for many of his responsibilities as he is growing up and moving on with his own education and path in life and we need to be able to function without his help around here. One very special thing that happened last month for him is that...One year ago, he was in the GED program and participating in the graduation ceremony as a graduate. This year at that schools graduation program, he was the Keynote speaker. As he is the EAGLE award representative for 2018. What a difference a year can make.
The other big thing going on here is that Tim's parents move in tomorrow to live with us permanently. Please keep us uplifted in prayer.
God is so very good and I feel we are shifting into a whole new season of life for us. I never know if God will bring more children into our lives or not...but as of right now I have no infants. The only one in diapers is Antonio. This fall I will be home schooling three of the four youngest. These early years of homeschooling are very time consuming, so I am clearing my life and days of as much clutter as possible. Trying to really simplify our life, so I can pour into our children what they need in their foundation to be successful. We do a lot of hands on homeschooling, so we get messy and have fun. I am looking for a nurse/sitter to come and help me (mornings) with Antonio five days a week. I am not able to do Antonio's morning care, long term, with out help, now that William is in college and is not always available to help. I guess what I am saying, is that my life is shifting to be busy in other ways than it has been in the last four or five years. Out of intense baby/therapy/appointment mode, to stay at home and really do some things at home that need just as much diligent attention.
Psalms 65:4 Blessed
is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, that
he may dwell in thy courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of
thy house, even of thy holy temple.
May God pour out his abundant blessings, health and peace into your lives. May He lead and guide you in all areas, showing you His path for your life as you live and grow in Him.