Friday, March 1, 2013

The Desires of Our Hearts

Quite regularly my dad and I go antiquing together.  It gets he and I out of the house for some wonderful fellowship and some time hunting small treasures together.  It is something we have done for years.  Some times I might find an old neat looking crate.  Or a stray unmatched heavy old antique piece of silverware.  (hardly any of my silverware matches.  As I really like the very old heavy pieces that used to be used.  So when I find a few odd pieces here and there I buy them and add it to what I already have. I have a whole drawer full now of lovely, old, decorative, sturdy pieces. Several of my kids have their favorite one fork or spoon and eat with it.)  Some times I might find an old wooden spoon or neat rolling pin and once in a while a very unique piece of furniture for a good enough deal to actually buy it.  I quite regularly find little things for the children.  As a lot of antique malls have a few antiques and a LOT of...well...just stuff.  So I never know what I might find. 

Today as I left the house William came to me all excited.  He said if I was to find anything about submarines to please bring it back for him.  Lately he has become very interested in submarines.  He has spent a great deal of time on the internet researching them and watching youtube videos about them.  I told him that I don't think I have ever, in all my years of antiquing, seen anything about submarines to my knowledge.  If I did I sure don't remember it at all.  So I left and had the most wonderful day out with my dad. 

We went to one of our favorite antique places and I walked from booth to booth.  I saw cups like the ones my grandmother had that I drank out of only at her house.  I saw toys just like the ones I had as a child.  Toys that if I had kept them, I could have sold now for quite a lot of money.  :)  I was walking around looking and reminiscing and spotted some VHS tapes on a shelf.  I always check out any DVDs or VCR tapes as we don't have piped in television of any kind and am always looking for good things for my children to watch on Friday night movie night.  But as I was looking at the titles I found a series that was a three tape series all about different kinds of submariens!  I could not believe it!  And at a very low price.  So I bought them and took them home with me for my son.

He was so happy to get them when I got home.  He had a huge bounce in his step and hugged them close to his heart as he walked away to put them in his room.  It reminded me of this verse.

Psalms 37:4 Delight thyself also in the Lord, and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

William loves the Lord so much and is such a good boy.  I love to be witness to the many times that the Lord will give him a simple desire of his heart just because he can.  It builds my faith and blesses my heart.

God be with you,


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