Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy 17th Birthday William!!!

Happy Birthday my wonderful son!  Where did the time go???  I remember being in labor for you 17 years ago, for over a week!  Wondering if you would be born the end of June.....then on the 1st of July.....waking up and wondering if you would be born on the 2nd....then the 3rd and 4th.  FINALLY, you arrived on the 5th of July!
Oh the wonderful sweetness.  You were calm and easy going from the very beginning.
Always a ready smile.
A sweet and happy toddler.
I have only had to discipline you a handful of times in your whole life.  Such an obedient and loving boy.
Always a smile and hug for everyone.  Like joy and pure sunshine, sharing Gods love where ever you went!
So forgiving towards others and the best loving brother a sibling could have.
Above picture Stephen and William
Above picture Carolyn, Antonio, and William
 Above picture Carolyn and William
Above and below picture William and Elizabeth!

Above picture Antonio and William

 You always loved working hard and being outside.
Always joking around and striking silly poses. 
One of the most gentle kind souls I have ever had the honor of knowing.  So genuine, and God has blessed me to be able to call you son.
As you grew all you wanted in life was to please God, your dad and I.  If I called your name to come help me or if I needed you, your response was always..." coming as soon as I can."  And you were there.
As you grew older and stronger you stepped up to work along side me full of joy and energy.  Saying don't lift that bag of grain or bale of hay.  Let me get that for you.
When Stephen grew up and moved out, you stepped up to become my right hand man and matured so much.  You became not only my son but treasured friend.
You work hard, are patient and save your money for the the big things you want in life.
You are so very responsible.  I can always trust you to do what I ask and what you say you will do.  (William and his dog Will)
Your amazing, godly, upright, and honorable good character is just like your dad who you always tried so hard to be like.

Birthday cake made by his loving Aunt.

Always know William, how much we value, love and cherish you.  We are so pleased with you and how hard you work and try to do things that come easily for others.  We love you so much!  Happy Birthday!

Numbers 6:24-26  The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:  The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:  The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.


Dad and mom

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